COVID-19 CURRENT STATUS as of 03/09/21:
Our COVID trained & certified team are working with clients to deliver COVID safe work environments
Upskilling our COVID certified team to deliver benchmark hospitality and client services
Nosh Covid-19 guidelines 2021
NOSH is focused on the safety and well-being of you as a person, as well as the community we share live and work in.
As an employer of a large and diverse team of hospitality professionals within the Australian hospitality industry, NOSH is aware of the community concern surrounding the COVID19 coronavirus in Australia and around the world. The safety, well-being and general health of our team, work colleagues, clients and the guests we serve are of utmost importance to us.
The current situation relating to COVID-19 coronavirus in Australia and around the world is dynamic. NOSH continues to monitor & follow the advice of the experts including The World Health Organisation (WHO), NSW Health and the Australian Government.
To date NOSH has not had any staff or client sites report any cases of confirmed COVID19 symptoms or infection. In order to protect our team, clients and the wider community and to maintain our vigilance, NOSH presents the following guidelines and expectations of staff and clients to adhere to.
Guidelines – staff
- NOSH maintains a policy of “No COVID certificate…No employment”
- All staff are required to enroll, complete and show evidence of completion of
- General Hygiene & sanitization
- NOSH advises all staff to follow the directions included in the training above and the Australian Department of Health Good Hygiene Guidelines as highlighted below
- There is no evidence that alcohol-free hand rubs are effective against viruses like COVID-19. Experts recommend you don’t use them.
- Everyone must also stay 1.5 metres away from other people whenever possible. This is called physical distancing.
- When you are well
- wash your hands often with soap and water. This includes before and after eating and after going to the toilet
- use alcohol-based hand sanitisers when you can’t use soap and water
- avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- clean and disinfect surfaces you use often such as benchtops, desks and doorknobs
- clean and disinfect objects you use often such as mobile phones, keys, wallets and work passes
- use tap and go instead of cash where possible
- increase the amount of fresh air by opening windows or changing air conditioning
- When you are sick
- Important that you stay at home if you feel unwell
- Continue to practise good hygiene.
- If you have cold or flu like symptoms you should seek medical advice and get tested for COVID-19
- You should get tested even if your symptoms are mild.
- If you have COVID-19 you must isolate and follow the directions of your local Public Health Unit.
- if you, or your immediate family or household members, have travelled through any of the countries the Department of Health identify on their do not travel or high risk lists at any time since January 20th 2020, you must
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT take on any work or attend the NOSH office
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
- if you have developed any of the identified symptoms, you must
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT go to shift attend the NOSH office
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
- if you suspect you may have been exposed to COVID-19, you must
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT go to shift or attend the NOSH office
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
Guidelines – Clients
NOSH works closely with our clients to monitor any suspected outbreak (NOSH staff or other & customer engagements). Should any client be informed of or notice any staff member that is not well (NOSH or otherwise) we request the staff member be sent home immediately and NOSH informed of the situation. In line with our staff Guidelines, where a client does not have a COVID Policy or Process we request the following protocols be adhered to
- Clients are requested to provide NOSH with copy of their COVID-19 protocols and guidelines.
- Client specific COVID-19 guidelines are to be stored in Client Profile for staff to witness
- This can be done directly by client using client portal or upon request by NOSH management
- if any staff member has travelled through any of the countries the Department of Health identify on their do not travel or high risk lists, clients should
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT attend the work place
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
- If any staff member has developed any of the identified symptoms, clients should
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT attend the work place
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
- if a client suspects any staff member may have been exposed to COVID-19, they should
- inform NOSH immediately via phone or email
- NOT attend the work place
- seek & follow medical advice
- Provide medical return to work clearance
NOSH understands the financial burden that these guidelines may place on our casual workforce, however the safety of all people (NOSHies or otherwise) is paramount.
Further information on COVID-19 and preventative measures you can take to avoid COVID-19 via